Physiotherapy 204

Modulekode FTP 204
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Health Sciences

The problem-based learning approach to the principles of human movement science manual therapy for soft tissue and electro-biomechanics.  This approach is applied by using selected clinical conditions of the thorax, pelvis and hip-joint over the total life spectrum.
The problem-based approach to the treatment of selected clinical conditions of the knee, ankle and foot complex, the pectoral girdle and gleno-humeral joint, the elbow, forearm and wrist and hand complex over the total life-cycle, through the application of the principles of human movement science manual therapy for soft tissue and electro-biomechanic.

Modulekrediete 35.00
NQF Level 06
Contact time 1 web-based period per week, 4 practicals per week, 8 lectures per week, Community Engagement
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Physiotherapy
Period of presentation Year

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