Industrial and organisational psychology 319

Modulekode BDO 319
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences

Part 1: The Human Resource Management environment
This section will provide the necessary know-how on the management of a Human Resource (HR) office. This particular section provides an introduction to Human Resource Management (HRM). The environment and foundations of HR will be covered. Various HR system standard and function models including the SA Board for People Practices HR standards model will be explained. The focus will move to emerging HR practices to ensure “competence” such as competency -based HRM. Day-to-day HRM practices are addressed such as HR office administration and technology (HR information systems). This is followed by specific HRM functions such as job design and analysis and the managing of compensation and benefits. Recruitment and section process to ensure the placing of qualified employees in jobs will be covered.

Part 2: Human Resources Provision
This section builds on the foundation provided in part 1. This module assists with having the right people in the right jobs at the right time through effective HR planning (HRP). This includes provision of theory which will assist HR managers to address strategy-linked HRP. To be able to ensure return on investment (ROI), organisations must ensure effective assessing and development of qualified employees by implementing performance management (PM) practices. This module will assist the HR professionals with theory related to internal staffing and career management practices. The section closes by discussing the role of HRM in virtual organisations as well as presenting international HRM theory that will assist the HR professional in the managing of international HRM.

Modulekrediete 20.00
NQF Level 07
Service modules Faculty of Health Sciences
Prerequisites BDO 110, 120; BDO 219 GS, BDO 229 GS (except for Business Management students).
Contact time 3 lectures per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Human Resource Management
Period of presentation Semester 1

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