Programme: AdvDipl in Visual Impairment (Distance Education)

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Code Faculty Department
09122071 Faculty of Education Department: Education
Credits Duration NQF level
Minimum duration of study: 2 years Total credits: 120 NQF level:  07

Programme information

This advanced diploma in Education underscores the importance of visual impairment education for teachers and practitioners who teach and collaborate with learners who with a visual impairment. The qualification focuses on understanding visual impairment, in terms of low vision and blindness. The aim is to equip teachers and practitioners, in support of learners with visual impairment and also to enhance ongoing research in this field.

Admission requirements

  • A four-year Bachelor of Education or equivalent degree, or
  • A general first degree or diploma, plus a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, or
  • A former Advanced Certificate in Education (Level 6 on the former 8-level NQF), or
  • A former Further Diploma in Education which follows a former professional teaching qualification, or
  • A former four-year Higher Diploma in Education.
  • Completion of the module Technology for teachers (ICT 430) before enrolment into the programme.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in Braille before completion of the programme.

Minimum credits: 18

Core modules

  • Module content:

    This module will provide students (teachers) with skills to critically appraise education and disability research, theory and practice, in order to utilise evidenced-based teaching methods when teaching or interacting with learners with visual impairment. The purpose is to promote inclusion and equity in research for lifelong learning opportunities for learners with visual impairment. The module will aim at employing best practices that may promote Higher Education and Community engagement support. A small-scale research project will guide the acquisition of learning content.

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  • Module content:

    This module will provide students (teachers) with theoretical knowledge of inclusion principles, policies and philosophies underpinning the inclusion of learners with visual impairment and other co-morbid impairments. The module will also offer insights into the experiences of living with disability as well as critically debate different approaches to disability, relating these to policy and practice and promoting integration of disability at all levels of governance and civil society.

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Minimum credits: 18

Core modules

  • Module content:

    This module will equip students (teachers) with the necessary knowledge and skills to be able to successfully do curriculum planning and teach learners withy visual impairment. Focus will fall on teaching methodology as well as the screening and assessment of learners with visual impairment. The underlying approach guiding this module is to create flexible learning environments that can accommodate individual learning differences for learners with visual impairment. Students will also be exposed to practical application of newly acquired knowledge and skills.

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  • Module content:

    This module will provide students (teachers) with guidelines and support requirements when teaching or collaborating interacting with learners with visual impairment, during classroom instruction, and assessment opportunities and general interaction during school time. The importance of a collaborative approach, involving key role players in the child’s life, will be foregrounded, in order to emphasise the necessity of systemic support. The module will also introduce the importance of access and mobility (elaborated on as part of an elective module) as fundamental to supporting learners with visual impairment.

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Minimum credits: 18

Select any 2 of the 4 listed elective modules.

Elective modules

  • Module content:

    This module will provide students (teachers) with a basic understanding of the field of orientation and mobility. The module will introduce students to the invaluable role of orientation and mobility skills in the life of a learner with visual impairment as well as the function of different role-players in this context. The focus of the module is on key concepts and skills in the field of orientation and mobility that are needed for safe travelling and independence. Students will be equipped to reinforce and infuse these concepts and skills in their teaching practice.

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  • Module content:

    This module will provide students (teachers) with knowledge and skills on adaptive devices and technology that may increase the participation and independence of learners with visual disabilities. The module will cover decision-making on the types of devices, students’ abilities or challenges related to using assistive technology, and environmental considerations that may affect individual learners. Within the ambit of the expanded curriculum, this module will specifically focus on assistive technologies as instruments for social inclusion and enhancement of quality education. The module will furthermore provide information on the use of assistive technologies in education and transition into the world of work.

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  • Module content:

    This module will provide students (teachers) with knowledge and skills that underlie collaborative partnerships and stakeholder involvement when supporting learners with visual impairment. Work integrated learning, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of facilitating partnerships and stakeholder involvement for programmes or projects for visual impairment are critical for the outcomes of the module. Teachers will be encouraged to collaborate with key stakeholders within the educational community as part of a practical assignment included in the module. The module will furthermore focus on how action research and entrepreneurship education can be utilised in order to encourage active participation of people with visual impairment.

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  • Module content:

    This module is suited designed for students (teachers) who occupy leadership or management positions at schools for learners with visual impairment, or to those who would like to equip themselves in preparation of such positions. The module focuses on leadership and management principles within the context of visual impairment, against the background of inclusive education policy implementation. In addition to the focus on general leadership and management expertise, the module will aim to support the professional development of students (teachers) for them, to in turn, to become agents of change in their current work settings.  

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