Programme: AdvDipl in School Leadership and Management (Distance Education)

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Code Faculty Department
09122070 Faculty of Education Department: Education Management and Policy Studies
Credits Duration NQF level
Minimum duration of study: 1 year Total credits: 120 NQF level:  07

Programme information

  • Applicants must be able to demonstrate sufficient computer literacy that will be assessed, or must have a recognised Information Technology qualification which meets this need.
  • Applicants must have access to Internet Communications infrastructure.

Admission requirements

  1. Bachelor’s degree from a recognised university

    level 6 Diploma in an Educational Field (at least 360 credits)
    three-year professional qualification and appropriate prior learning deemed adequate by the Advanced Diploma Selection Committee, for admission to the programme
  2. Computer literacy proficiency as determined by a proficiency test
    recognised Information Technology qualification
  3. access to Internet Communications infrastructure

Additional requirements

 Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

  • In line with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), institutional guidelines and policies, RPL may be awarded for a maximum of 50% of the credits for the programme based on appropriate assessment of evidence of competence related to the programme and module outcomes.
  • It should be noted that while there is extensive overlap between the former Advanced Certificate in Education (Education Management), and the new Advanced Diploma (SLM), these qualifications are at two different NQF levels and therefore an RPL process will be required to gain credit for the former to a maximum of 50% of the latter.
  • Students who possess the ACE (Educational management) (or equivalent) register for the module PFO 335. On successful completion, the modules EDM 331, EDO 330, ELP 330 and PFO 335 of the Advanced Diploma will be credited for a total of 60 credits.

Examinations and pass requirements

Special examinations in the Faculty of Education
A final-year student who has failed a maximum of three semester modules or their equivalent with a final mark of at least 40% in each, may be admitted by the Dean to a special examination in these modules during January of the following year, provided that this will enable the student to comply with all the requirements for the postgraduate diploma.

Pass with distinction

Diploma with distinction
The advanced diploma is awarded with distinction to a student who has obtained a credit weighted average (GPA) of at least 75%.

Minimum credits: 15

Core modules

  • Module content:

    This module focuses on the school principal’s provision of systematic, quality learning opportunities for children through effective leadership and management of teaching and learning.

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  • Module content:

    By the end of this module, students will develop (skills) examples of educational ICT enhanced interventions using word-processing software, presentation software, spreadsheet software and internet-based resources. They will also be able to identify and assess the appropriateness of different kinds of educational ICT for different contexts and learning purposes (knowledge); and demonstrate a commitment to using appropriate educational ICT in appropriate ways to enhance teaching and learning (attitudes/values).

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  • Module content:

    The RPL-bridging module requires students to provide sufficient evidence to demonstrate that they have adequate knowledge and skills according to the NQF-level 7 learning outcomes for each of the modules EDM 335, EDO 335 and ELP 335. This module consists of specific workplace assignments drawn from the relevant modules as a Professional portfolio and workplace project. 
    Candidates cannot be credited with both PFO 335 and PFO 336.

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  • Module content:

    Professional portfolio Part 1. The professional portfolio integrates work across the programme and includes a practical workplace project. This module consists of specific workplace assignments drawn from the relevant modules as a Professional portfolio and workplace project.
    Candidates cannot be credited with both PFO 335 and PFO 336.

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Minimum credits: 15

Core modules

Minimum credits: 15

Core modules

  • Module content:

    This module focuses on understanding the school as an organisation, to manage organisational systems
    holistically in context and to lead and manage the use of ICT, physical and financial resources and addresses issues related to building and enhancing the school as a safe, disciplined and caring environment, conducive to effective teaching and learning.

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  • Module content:

    The module focuses on the understanding of schools’ existence within particular social and economic communities that have an influence on and may be influenced by the school, and the school’s leadership and management staff and structures.

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Minimum credits: 15

Core modules

  • Module content:

    This module helps student-principals locate the school and its practices within the wider context of the education system. Contemporary policy context applicable to schooling in South Africa. Legislative mandates, policy, planning, school development and governance. School values, vision, mission, policies and plans. School Governing Body and stakeholders. Curriculum management and renewal.

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  • Module content:

    Professional portfolio Part 2. The professional portfolio integrates work across the programme and includes a practical workplace project. This module consists of specific workplace assignments drawn from the relevant modules as a Professional portfolio and workplace project.

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