Creative manuscript and documentation 895

Module code KSK 895
Qualification Postgraduate
Faculty Faculty of Humanities
Module content

The dissertation should demonstrate creative achievement in one of the following genres:

  • poetry
  • drama and screenplay
  • prose (fiction),
  • prose (creative non-fiction: biography or autobiography), or 
  • literary translation/adaptation.

The creative component should be complete work, or set of complete shorter works and should in substance be the equivalent of at least (in fiction) a short novel or a collection of short stories, or (in poetry) a book-length collection of poems, or (in drama) a full-length play or a collection of at least three one-act plays. 
The theoretical component should be a scholarly/academic work on a related topic.
*The language of tuition depends on the language in which the creative and theoretical components are written.

Module credits 180.00
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Unit for Creative Writing
Period of presentation Year

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