
Program: BScHons Occupational Hygiene

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
10244025 Faculty of Health Sciences
Credits Duration
Minimum duration of study: 1 jaar Totale krediete: 120


The following requirements are set:

  • Advanced instruction by means of self-tuition, lectures and seminars.
  • Students must pass the module TNM 800 Applied research methodology 800.
  • Students must pass the module PHM 770 Learning in public health 770.
  • Students must pass a research report (or project) that carries at least 30 credits.

Admission requirements

  • A candidate must hold a bachelor's degree deemed acceptable by the head of department for the proposed field of study or an equivalent qualification deemed acceptable by the Senate of the University for the proposed field of study with at least one applicable biological subject as major subject.
  • Admission to the study for an honours degree is subject to the approval of the head of department: with the proviso that a candidate who has obtained an average of less than 60% in the modules of his or her major subject in the final year of the bachelor's degree study may only be admitted with the Dean's approval on the recommendation of the head of department. Additional requirements may be set by the head of department.
  • The prerequisites for admission to the honours degree in certain fields of study are indicated in the syllabuses of the specific department.
  • Also consult General Regulations.

Examinations and pass requirements

  1. The individual modules in each field of study must all be passed with a mark of at least 50% in each module, before a student may graduate in that field of study.
  2. Each field of study has a specified, externally moderated, summative assessment that must also be passed before the student may graduate.

Pass with distinction

The degree is conferred with distinction on a student who has obtained an average of at least 75% in the summative assessment, as well as an average of at least 75% for the remaining components of the curriculum (i.e. excluding the summative assessment mark).

Minimum krediete: 120

Core modules

Die inligting wat hier verskyn, is onderhewig aan verandering en kan na die publikasie van hierdie inligting gewysig word.. Die Algemene Regulasies (G Regulasies) is op alle fakulteite van die Universiteit van Pretoria van toepassing. Dit word vereis dat elke student volkome vertroud met hierdie regulasies sowel as met die inligting vervat in die Algemene Reëls sal wees. Onkunde betrefffende hierdie regulasies en reels sal nie as ‘n verskoning by oortreding daarvan aangebied kan word nie.

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