Industrial and organisational psychology 219

Modulekode BDO 219
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences

*Only for BNur students

Group behaviour and leadership
This module will focus on organisational behaviour with specific reference to the principles of group behaviour and the role of work teams in the organisation. Particular attention will be paid to group development, group interaction, group structures, group processes and the promotion of team performance in the organisation. Leadership and the effect of power and politics in the organisation will be studied. The function of leadership in individual, group and task-oriented behaviour will also be addressed.

Organisational behaviour
The behavioural basis for organisational structuring and organisation design will be addressed. This will include organisational culture as an important facet in any organisation. The dynamics and approaches to organisational change will be addressed with specific reference to the role of change agents, resistance to change and organisational development with a practical discussion of the contemporary problems of organisational change, personnel turnover, fatigue, boredom, absenteeism, conflict accidents.

Modulekrediete 16.00
Service modules Faculty of Health Sciences
Prerequisites BDO 110 GS, 120 GS
Contact time 3 lectures per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Human Resource Management
Period of presentation Semester 1

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