Electrical engineering 221

Modulekode EIR 221
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology

Transient response phenomena in RC, RL and RLC circuits: Natural response and step response. Alternating current (AC) circuits: Phasors, impedances, and power in AC circuits. The application of Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s circuit theorems, matrix methods, and Thevenin and Norton equivalents to sinusoidal steady-state analysis. Three-phase circuits: Balanced three-phase circuits, star/delta configurations, and three-phase power transfer calculations. Magnetically coupled circuits: Mutual inductance, coupling factor, transformers, ideal transformers and autotransformers. Application of circuit theory to induction motors: basic principles of induction motors, equivalent circuit and analysis thereof, calculation of power and torque through application of Thevenin's theorem. Synoptic introduction to other types of motors.

Modulekrediete 16.00
Prerequisites EBN 111 or EBN 122 and WTW 161/164
Contact time 1 tutorial per week, 1 practical per week, 3 lectures per week
Language of tuition Separate classes for Afrikaans and English
Department Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Period of presentation Semester 2

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