
Program: BScHons Applied Science Chemical Technology

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
12243004 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology
Credits Duration
Minimum duration of study: 1 jaar Totale krediete: 128


The BScHons (Applied Science) degree is conferred by the following academic departments:

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Industrial and Systems Engineering
  • Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering
  • Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
  • Mining Engineering

Any specific module is offered on the condition that a minimum number of students are registered for the module, as determined by the relevant head of department and the Dean. Students must consult the relevant head of department in order to compile a meaningful programme, as well as on the syllabi of the modules. The relevant departmental postgraduate brochures must also be consulted.

Admission requirements

An appropriate bachelor's degree, a BTech degree or equivalent qualification is required for admission.



Other programme-specific information

A limited number of appropriate postgraduate modules from other departments are allowed. Not all modules listed are presented each year. Please consult the departmental postgraduate brochure.

Specialisation in Process Technology is possible by registering for specific modules. (Please note that a candidate selecting this option will not be allowed to register for any modules at 700-level before the modules of the first semester at 400-level had been completed successfully.) Please consult the department.

The modules CPB 410, CBI 410 and CSS 420 do not form part of the postgraduate block presentations. Individual arrangements have to be made with the relevant lecturer regarding attendance of lectures, study material, tests and assignments.

Minimum krediete: 128

Core modules

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