
Program: PGDip Veterinêre Kliniese Wetenskappe

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
08220061 Fakulteit Veeartsenykunde
Credits Duration
Minimum duur van studie: 1 jaar Totale krediete: 120


Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.

This programme is offered by the Faculty of Veterinary Science.
The following persons may benefit from enrolling for the PGDip:
The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) identified a need for further theoretical training for their staff in veterinary public health, veterinary epidemiology and animal disease management. This one-year diploma provides for their training needs.
BTech (or National Higher Diploma) graduates in Animal Health may apply for the diploma programme in order to prepare for masters’ study.
Veterinarians, who are undertaking or have completed their compulsory community service and require refreshment training in preparation for private practice, may benefit from enrolling for the diploma programme.
Registered veterinarians who require further education towards their continued registration as professionals with the South African Veterinary Council (Continual Professional Development) will benefit by obtaining a PGDip as another means to obtaining their CPD requirements.
Veterinarians who are in single person practices, who do not have the intention of being specialists due to the time commitments of specialist training, will gain advanced veterinary knowledge at level above that of an undergraduate while they are still resident at their practices.
Staff members of veterinary schools in Africa may enrol for the PGDip. As online modules are available to people who have the need for training, but do not necessarily have the funding for contact study in South Africa.
The curriculum consists of four compulsory core and elective theoretical modules of 30 credits each to the value of 120 credits.
Also consult General Regulations.
Students are required to confirm whether a module will be presented in any particular year. This enquiry should be directed to the relevant head of department according to the syllabi information provided in the list of modules in this publication.


Entry into the Clinical Sciences diploma is restricted to persons with the relevant veterinary qualification only.


Additional requirements:

In cases where web-based/online modules are offered, basic computer skills are required in order to successfully participate in the diploma programme.

In certain cases, it remains the prerogative of the head of department to require, in addition to the entrance requirements, the successful completion of an admissions test before registration.  A student may also be required to pass a proficiency test in English (TOEFL).

Addisionele vereistes

In cases where web-based/online modules are offered, basic computer skills are required in order to successfully participate in the diploma programme.
In certain cases, it remains the prerogative of the head of department to require, in addition to the entrance requirements, the successful completion of an admissions test before registration. A student may also be required to pass a proficiency test in English (TOEFL).

Eksamens en slaagvereistes

The PGDip is conferred by virtue of the successful completion of tests/assignments and an examination on four 30 credit coursework modules.
Every module will be evaluated by a written or oral test or assignment or practical work (a year mark will be determined) and an examination. The year mark and examination mark will each contribute 50% to the final mark. A subminimum of 40% is required in the examination and a final mark of at least 50% to pass the module. Instructions regarding requirements for year or examination marks are published in the study guides.
If a student fails a module, he/she will have to repeat the module the following year. A candidate has two chances to pass a module.

Slaag met lof

The diploma is conferred with distinction on a student who has obtained an average of at least 75%, provided that a minimum final mark of 60% in each of the modules have been obtained.

Minimum krediete: 120


  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Advanced theoretical study of small animal orthopaedic surgery.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Advanced theoretical study of small animal soft tissue surgery.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Advanced theoretical study of equine surgery.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Advanced theoretical training in the diagnosis, treatment and management of equine internal medical diseases with aim of acquiring in-depth knowledge of the principles and practice of equine internal medicine and its supporting disciplines.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Advanced theoretical study in canine and feline medicine (non-internal organs). The module covers establishment of a minimum database, identification of problems, establishment of differential diagnoses, the logical selection of appropriate special procedures and clinical pathological analyses, logical interpretation of results and the understanding of the risk-benefit and financial implications of such special procedures for each organ system. Study of the conditions of internal organs is not included in this module.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Advanced theoretical study in canine and feline internal medicine specifically applicable to conditions of the internal organs. The module covers establishment of a minimum database, identification of problems, establishment of differential diagnoses, the logical selection of appropriate special procedures and clinical pathological analyses, logical interpretation of results and the understanding of the risk-benefit and financial implications of such special procedures for each organ system.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    An in-depth study of the osteology, arthrology, myology, angiology, neurology, splanchnology and topographical anatomy of a species of interest. Special attention to clinically important sections of the anatomy. The course will allow for further studies in anatomy for intercalation with subjects such as diagnostic imaging and surgery.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Advanced theoretical training on canine and feline anaesthesia and analgesia.The module covers the latest techniques in anaesthetising compromised animals and the use of total intravenous anaesthetic techniques, positive pressure ventilation, peripheral muscle relaxants and monitor apparatus.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Advanced training in assessment of animal welfare (including stress). Basic principles of veterinary disaster, risk reduction and emergency management, population control and shelter medicine.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Advanced training in infectious, parasitic and nutritional diseases of wildlife and their management in African wildlife species under ranching conditions. Also included are ostrich and crocodile farming.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Causes, pathogenesis, control, treatment and prevention of diseases and malfunctions of reproduction in cattle, as well as the evaluation of males and females for breeding soundness. Also included are certain aspects of assisted reproduction and reproductive biotechnology, such as control of the oestrous cycle and parturition. A veterinary perspective (indications, limitations, current and future possibilities, and methods) on reproductive biotechnologies.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Advanced training in diseases with implications on trade and/or human health/wellbeing. The module will covey advanced knowledge in the specific disease, their management and basic monitoring epidemiological tools. Attention will also be given to emerging diseases as well as diseases associated with wildlife ranching.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Advanced study in non-radiological diagnostic imaging of dogs and cats. Approximately 76% is allocated to diagnostic ultrasound; 8% to MRI, CT and Scintigraphy each respectively. The pathophysiology, diagnosis and prognosis of pathological conditions are also discussed, as well as ways in which this field of study is linked to other diagnostic methods in order to confirm a diagnosis.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Advanced study in non-radiological diagnostic imaging of horses. Approximately 80% is allocated to diagnostic ultrasound; 5% to MRI, 5% to CT and 10% to Scintigraphy. The pathophysiology, diagnosis and prognosis of pathological conditions are also discussed.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Advanced study in non-radiological diagnostic imaging of ruminants. Approximately 85% is allocated to diagnostic ultrasound; 5% to MRI, CT and Scintigraphy each respectively. The pathophysiology, diagnosis and prognosis of pathological conditions are also discussed, as well as ways in which this field of study is linked to other diagnostic methods in order to confirm a diagnosis.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Advanced study of radiology of dogs and cats, including discussion on the pathophysiology, diagnosis and prognosis of pathological conditions.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Advanced study of radiology of horses, including discussion on the pathophysiology, diagnosis and prognosis of pathological conditions.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Advanced study of radiology of ruminants.
    The pathophysiology, diagnosis and prognosis of pathological conditions are also discussed as well as ways in which this field of study relates to other diagnostic methods in order to confirm a diagnosis.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Diagnostic pathology of the diseases in various animal species.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    An introductory module in veterinary epidemiology designed to provide a foundation in epidemiology to allow for a better understanding of epidemiological reports.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Advanced studies in veterinary clinical pharmacology studies pharmacotherapeutic features related to veterinary medicine and species-specific therapeutic objectives.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Advanced studies on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of veterinary drugs.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Advanced level, with the emphasis on applied and pathophysiology of disease.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    The module will enable students to integrate and apply knowledge so that health and production problems can be identified and solved on a herd basis, while health status and production effectiveness can be improved from a holistic and cost effective viewpoint. The module will also include aspects of primary animal health care that will be applicable to needs of the emerging farming sector.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    An in-depth comparative study of light and electron microscopic histology of domestic animals, birds and selected wildlife species.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Advanced study in clinical pathology including enzymology, cytology, haematology as well as clinical pathology of the kidney in domestic animals.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Advanced study in clinical pathology including blood-gas and acid-base balance, gastro-enterology, haemostasis, diagnostic indices and principles of domestic animals.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Section 1: (10 credits)
    Application of procedures within an accredited laboratory animal facility, with focus on laboratory animal management (rats and mice), including housing and care; enrichment; breeding; methods of dosing and methods of sample collection.

    Section 2: (20 credits)
    The biology of laboratory animals, their management and use as models in biomedical research.
    The aim is to extend the activities concerning the care and use of laboratory animals for research, training and testing. Further to affirm the concept on which the modern practice of experimenting with animals is based, to take into consideration the controversy evoked in the climate of animal rights. The special professional role required of the veterinary and paraveterinary professions to enhance humane practice with regard to animal experiments as well as the promotion of a productive scientific effort in the biomedical sciences.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    The module will focus on basic tests available in laboratory diagnostics for infectious and parasitic diseases. Focus will be placed on the interpretation of tests, issuing of certificates, validation of test procedures, quality assurance and laboratory safety. The course will include basic within the laboratory of the department.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    An advanced module in research methodology for veterinarians involved in laboratory animals and/or laboratory work. The study will focus on animal ethics, animal ethics committee, evaluation of protocols and study design. Focus will also be placed on legislation for the use and protection of animals.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    An advanced module in necropsy techniques, interpretation and specimen collection.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    The module covers the anatomy and physiology of the eye and its adnexa, examination techniques and aids, ocular therapeutics and treatment techniques, surgical and non-surgical conditions of the orbit, eyelids, third eyelid, conjunctiva, lachrymal system, cornea, sclera, anterior chamber, uvea lens, vitreous and retina, and hereditary diseases. Practical work includes the use of instrumentation and accessories during examination and surgical procedures. page

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  • Module-inhoud:

    The module content includes the study of animal genetics, nutrition, management, housing, keeping of records, hygiene, welfare and behaviour, with special emphasis on nutrition. The species concerned are dairy cattle, beef cattle, small stock and pigs.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    An advanced module covering the mechanisms behind disease processes.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Advanced training in poultry health, production systems and nutrition.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Includes the physiology and endocrinology of puberty, the oestrous cycle, pregnancy, parturition, the puerperium, as well as that of the foetus and the neonate. Also included are the physiology and endocrinology of the bull, more specifically that of puberty, spermatogenesis, the scrotum, the accessory sex glands, libido, erection, coitus, sperm and semen. Also included are certain aspects of reproductive biotechnology, namely the biotechnical aspects of collection, examination and freezing of semen and embryos, embryo transfer and in vitro fertilisation.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Students will gain advanced theoretical knowledge of general reproductive endocrinology and physiology of animals. It includes detailed knowledge and application of the structures of different hormone groups, forms of storage, transportation, methods of action and secretion control mechanisms: hormonal control of female reproductive cycles; fertilisation, sexing, gestation, pathogenesis of teratogenic deviations and partus, the puerperal period and re-implantation; male reproductive endocrinology and physiology; examining of fresh and frozen semen, including advanced methods; the use of hormone profiles to monitor gestation and cycles, and artificial breeding.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Advanced theoretical study in ruminant medicine specifically applicable to conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and production diseases, liver, cardiovascular, respiratory and urinary system, skin, nervous system and musculo-skeletal system, skin and appendages.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Advanced training on the most important and well-known plant, mycotoxins, zootoxicoses and organic and inorganic poisons.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Advanced studies in toxicological principles to enable students to develop proficiency in routine toxicological investigations, treatment, advice and diagnostic procedures. Includes training in laboratory based toxicity testing and methodology

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Advanced theoretical study in pig housing, nutrition and disease for animal housed both outdoor and intensive, specifically applicable to conditions of Southern Africa.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    The following module will focus on auditing and compliance at the farm, abattoir and processing plant level.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    Broad-based training in understanding, interrogating and critically applying veterinary policy (including applicable South African legislation), and international phytosanitary and sanitary policy and trade.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    (BVSc graduates only)
    The module will introduce concepts in risk assessment, risk management and risk communication.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Advanced knowledge and application of veterinary meat (Red meat, Poultry, Ostrich, Wild Game, Crocodiles and fish) and milk (Raw milk and milk products) hygiene and food safety (including Zoonotic / food borne diseases). Also includes auditing, certification for export and the applicable interpretation of laboratory results. Emerging and re-emerging diseases.

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