
Geodinamika en ertsvorming 352

Modulekode GLY 352
Kwalifikasie Voorgraads
Fakulteit Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe

*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.

This module is offered to mining engineering students, and addresses the processes that formed mineral deposits, and the geological approach to exploiting such deposits. The module covers the principles of ore-forming processes and geological environments of ore formation, ore classification schemes, the geometry and geostatistical evaluation of ore bodies, the principles of rock deformation, stress, strain and rheology, joints, fault systems, folds and interference folding, tectonic fabrics, shear zones, and progressive deformation. The practicals cover the identification and classification of ore deposits, and the recognition and mitigation of geologically related mining hazards such as faults, shears and folding.

Modulekrediete 18.00
Voorvereistes GLY 256
Kontaktyd 2 praktiese sessies per week, 4 lesings per week
Onderrigtaal Module word in Engels aangebied
Departement Geologie
Aanbiedingstydperk Kwartaal 3

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