
Dynamics of competitiveness 845

Modulekode GID 845
Kwalifikasie Nagraads
Fakulteit Gordon Institute of Business Science

*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.

This course focuses on knowing oneself and the impact of one’s history or background on business effectiveness in the environment in which the students are or will be working. This course is designed around a road trip undertaken by all students at the end of year one, and  provides them with an opportunity to analyse the current dynamics, challenges, social and political nuances and the history of the area they visit. By immersing the students in the culture and history of the places they visit, this experiential approach is designed to illustrate how history shapes peoples’ outlook and the way they  feel, think and act, enabling them to comprehend what has made South Africa what it is today. The analytic framework is the political economy of business, economic inclusion and connectivity between the South African economy and the region, the continent and the world. Emphasis will be placed on the businesses driving the economic and social dynamics of the locations which are visited.

Modulekrediete 9.00
Kontaktyd 24 Uur
Onderrigtaal Module word in Engels aangebied
Departement Gordon Institute of Business Science
Aanbiedingstydperk Semester 1 of Semester 2

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