
Business analysis and communication 856

Modulekode GIA 856
Kwalifikasie Nagraads
Fakulteit Gordon Institute of Business Science

*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
This module is designed to enable students to analyse business problems, derive appropriate solutions, and communicate them effectively. There are two parts to it:
Part A deals with the written analysis of business cases. Through classroom instruction and individual feedback, students learn to analyse a business case, generate and review solutions, and prepare a clear, logical written summary of their analysis. The skills learnt include the cognitive skills of analysing, evaluating and synthesising complex material, and the communication skills of presenting findings in oral and written English.
Part B applies the same skills to the analysis and solution of an actual business situation.  Students are required to conduct research into a problem posed in a company. They analyse the problem, conduct the appropriate research in the industry, apply the models and techniques covered in their MBA core courses, and prepare a consulting report for presentation to management and faculty.

Modulekrediete 0.00
Kontaktyd Vier-en-twintig uur
Onderrigtaal Module word in Engels aangebied
Departement Gordon Institute of Business Science
Aanbiedingstydperk Semester 2

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