
Religion studies 210

Module code REL 210
Qualification Undergraduate
Faculty Faculty of Theology
Module content

Focus on religion
Part 1: Christianity
Jesus as founder of Christianity; Images of Jesus; current research on the ‘historical Jesus’; core issues in the debate on the ‘historical Jesus’. Capita selecta from themes like: New Testament Christianity; Christian history in survey; Christian missions; After the Industrial Revolution and the Enlightenment; Christianity in a secularist age; The rise of Third World Christianity.
Part 2: Traditional African religiosity
Primal religion and traditional African religion; Traditional life and world view. Key elements like: Concept of time; Concept of God; Ancestral cult; Power doctors, healers and cultic leadership; Ethics: Examples of African religion; San religion; Zulu religion; Shona religion.

Module credits 20.00
Service modules Faculty of Education
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Contact time 2 lectures per week
Language of tuition Double Medium
Academic organisation Theology Dean's Office
Period of presentation Semester 1

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