
Conservation ecology 364

Module code ZEN 364
Qualification Undergraduate
Faculty Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
Module content

This module is intended to provide students with skills to undertake field surveys that are essential for research and planning in the conservation of biodiversity. The module has a large fieldwork component. A field trip will be conducted over a ten-day period during the September vacation in the Sani Pass region of the Drakensberg (including South Africa and Lesotho).
The students will be actively involved in planning and executing the field surveys, and will be responsible for analysing and presenting the results. The students will gain valuable practical experience in the field by applying a number of survey techniques and focusing on several different taxa that are relevant to conservation ecology.

Module credits 18.00
Service modules Faculty of Education
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Contact time 4 lectures per week, 2 practicals per week
Language of tuition English
Academic organisation Zoology and Entomology
Period of presentation Quarter 4

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