
Biblical languages 310

Module code BYT 310
Qualification Undergraduate
Faculty Faculty of Humanities
Module content

Part 1:Texts in context
OT texts are read in their Ancient Near Eastern context with special reference to intra-, inter- and extratextual relations. NT and/or Patristic texts are read in their Jewish and Hellenistic context with special reference to intra-, inter- and extra-textual relations.
Part 2: Between the Testaments
Reading and interpreting of Hebrew and Greek inter-testamental literature, including Qumran literature, Ben Sira and Greek apocryphal books like Judit or Tobit.

Module credits 30.00
Prerequisites BYT 251, GRK 210, GRK 220/HEB 210, HEB 220
Contact time 2 lectures per week, 2 discussion classes per week
Language of tuition English
Academic organisation Ancient Languages and Cultures
Period of presentation Semester 1

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