
Netcentric computer systems 216

Module code COS 216
Qualification Undergraduate
Faculty Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology
Module content

This module introduces the principles of netcentric computing that can be applied to the WWW and internet as well as to distributed applications.  After completing this module, a student will have gained, as outcomes, knowledge of how to integrate various programming and web-based technologies.  Particular outcomes include gaining knowledge on the concepts of client and server side programming, web-based applications, port and socket interaction, writing programmes that require remote function calls and achieving database connectivity using remote SQL calls. The supporting technologies of mark-up languages like HTML and scripting languages like JavaScript are also studied. In order to practically demonstrate that a student has reached these outcomes, students will be required to use, integrate and maintain the necessary software and hardware by completing a number of smaller practical assignments whereafter integrating all these technologies into a comprehensive and practical netcentric programming project is required.

Module credits 16.00
Prerequisites COS 110
Contact time 1 practical per week, 4 lectures per week
Language of tuition English
Academic organisation Computer Science
Period of presentation Semester 1

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