Partnerships and Collaborations




The work of the CWM has been funded by grants directly or by in-kind support from a wide diversity of sources. During the previous five years these include:



British Airways,

DST-NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology

Endangered Wildlife Trust,

Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife,

Friends of the National Zoo,

Gertruide Drotske Trust,

International Foundation for Science (IFS),

Koos Du Plessis

May & Stanley Smith Trust,

National Research Foundation (NRF),

National Geographic Society
Shirley Sichel and Abbott Endowment Funds,

Smithsonian Institution (Office of the Undersecretary for Science),

Smithsonian National Zoological Park,

South African National Parks

Southern African Wildlife Management Association

Thanda Private Game Reserve,

The Green Trust (WWF–SA),

The Sally Club,

The South African Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism

The South African National Antarctic Programme

The Wild Dog Foundation,

The Wilderness Trust

The Wildlands Conservation Trust,

The Wipplinger Foundation,

University of Pretoria


Wild Foundation,


Wilson Foundation,

Michael A. & Pamela S. Crane Family Foundation

Jobedi Game Lodge

Dirk Coetzee,

South African Hunters & Game Conservation Association (PTA East Section)


We are extremely grateful to all of them for their support. (If we have not included someone kindly let one of us know and we will rectify the omission)




In the past our research and training has benefitted enormously from generous private donations and endowments. In particular, this has provided opportunities to capitalise on major research projects and student support, and to disseminate these findings widely. We would welcome further such support, and we am very happy to discuss such possibilities (mjs


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