Ansie Harding Personal

Journal Publications since 2001


40. Potgieter, M., Harding, A., Kritzinger, Q., Somo, C., Engelbrecht, J. Reflections of science students on their experience of an academic development programme in South Africa. Accepted for publication in the South African Journal for Higher Education.

39. Tsanwani, R, Engelbrecht, J. C., Harding, A, Maree, J, Factors that Facilitate Learners’ Performance in Mathematics in Disadvantaged Communities: A Quantitative Study. Accepted for publication in Journal of Educational Studies

38. Engelbrecht J, Harding A, Potgieter M, (2014) Evaluating the success of a science academic development programme at a research-intensive university. Accepted for publication in African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. Published online at

37. Harry Wiggins, Ansie Harding & Johann Engelbrecht (2014): Sibling curves of polynomials, Accepted for publication in Quaestiones Mathematicae

36. Avhasei Tsanwani, Ansie Harding, Johann Engelbrecht & Kobus Maree (2014): Perceptions of Teachers and Learners about Factors that Facilitate Learners' Performance in Mathematics in South Africa, African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, DOI: 10.1080/10288457.2014.884262, 18(1):1 -12.

35. Batseba Mofolo-Mbokane, Johann Engelbrecht & Ansie Harding (2013) Learning difficulties with solids of revolution: classroom observations, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 44:7, 1065-1080

34. Harding, A. & Engelbrecht,J., 2012, ‘Navorsing oor voorgraadse wiskundeonderrig: ’n Suid-Afrikaanse perspektief’, Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 31(1), Art. #358,7 pages. / 
33.     Wood, L N, Mather, G, Petocz, P, Reid, A, Engelbrecht, J, Harding, A, Houston, K, Smith, G H, Perrett, G, 2012, University students’ views of the role of mathematics in their future, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 10 (1) 1 (2012), pp 99-119. 
32.     Harding A, Engelbrecht JC, Verwey A  Implementing Supplemental Instruction (SI) for a large group in mathematics.  International Journal for Mathematics Education in Science and Technology, 42(7)(2011), 847-856  
31. Padayachee, P, Boshoff, H, Olivier, W, Harding, A, A blended learning Grade 12 intervention using DVD technology to enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics.
Accepted for publication in Pythagoras.
30. Engelbrecht, J, Harding, A, Phiri, P, Are OBE-trained learners ready for university mathematics?
Accepted for publication in Pythagoras

29.     Wood, L N, Mather, G, Petocz, P, Reid, A, Engelbrecht, J, Harding, A, Houston, K, Smith, G H, Perrett, G, 2011, University students’ views of the role of mathematics in their future, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Online First at /
28.     Huntley, B, Engelbrecht J, Harding A, 2010, A model for measuring the quality of a mathematics question, Far East Journal of Mathematics Education,  5(2) 2010, pp. 141-171.
27.     Wood L, Mather G, Petocz  P, Reid A, Smith G, Harding A, Engelbrecht J, Houston K, Perrett G, Hillel J (2011), University students’ views of the role of mathematics in their future, Mathematics Education Research Journal (in press).
26.     Houston K, Mather G, Wood L, Petocz P, Reid A, Harding A, Engelbrecht J, (2010) Is there Life after Modelling? Student conceptions of mathematics, Mathematics Education Research Journal, 22(2), 69 – 80.
25.     Huntley, B, Engelbrecht J, Harding A, 2009, Can Multiple Choice Questions be Successfully Used as an Assessment Format in Undergraduate Mathematics?, Pythagoras, 69 (2009), 3-16.

24.     Harding, A. & Engelbrecht, J. (2009). Sibling curves and complex roots 3: Imaginary siblings and tracing complex roots. International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology, 40(7), 989-996.

23. Harding, A.,  Wiskundige Modellering: Van skool na universiteit.  Spesiale uitgawe – Ontoereikende Wiskundeprestasie: Uitdagings en probleemoplossing Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie, Jaargang 28 No. 4: Desember 2009 355 - 365

22. Engelbrecht, J., Harding, A., & Phiri, P. (2009). Is studente wat in ‘n uitkomsgerigte onderrig-benadering opgelei is, gereed vir universiteitswiskunde? Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie, 28(4), 288-302. 

21. Engelbrecht, J., & Harding, A. (2009). New numbers in mathematics in South Africa. International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology, 40(1), 73–86. 

20. Engelbrecht, J. & Harding, A. (2008). The impact of the transition to outcomes-based teaching on university preparedness in mathematics in South Africa. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 209(2), 51–70.

19. Velupillai, V., Harding, A. & Engelbrecht, J. (2008). Out of (another) frying pan …? Case studies of the implementation of Curriculum 2005 in some mathematics classrooms. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 12(1), 55-74.

18. Kaczynski D, Wood L, Harding A (2008). Using radar charts with qualitative evaluation: techniques to assess change in blended learning. Active Learning in Higher Education Volume 9, Number 1.

17. Potgieter, M., Harding, A. & Engelbrecht, J. (2008). Transfer of algebraic and graphical thinking between mathematics and chemistry. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 45(2), 197-218.

16. Wood L, Harding A Can you show that you are a good lecturer? International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 38:7, 939 – 947, 2007

15. Harding, A. & Engelbrecht, J. (2007). Sibling curves and complex roots 1: Looking backwards. International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology, 38(7), 963-974.

14. Harding, A. & Engelbrecht, J. (2007). Sibling curves and complex roots 2: Looking ahead. International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology, 38(7), 975-985.

13. Engelbrecht, J., Harding, A. & Du Preez, J. (2007). Long-term retention of basic mathematical knowledge and skills with engineering students. European Journal of Engineering Education, 32(6), 735 - 744.

12. Petocz, P., Reid, A., Wood, L., Smith, G., Mather, G., Harding, A., Engelbrecht, J., Houston, K. Hillel, J., & Perrett, G. (2007). Undergraduate students’ conceptions of mathematics: An international study. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 5(3), 439-459.

11. Engelbrecht, J., Harding, A. & Potgieter, M. (2005). Undergraduate students’ performance and confidence in procedural and conceptual mathematics.  International Journal for Mathematics Education in Science and Technology 36(7), 701- 712, 2005.

10. Naude A., Engelbrecht J., Harding A. & Rogan J. (2005). The influence of second language teaching on undergraduate mathematics performance. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 17(3), 3 – 21.

9. Engelbrecht, J. & Harding, A. (2005). Teaching undergraduate mathematics on the internet. Part 1: Technologies and taxonomy.  Educational Studies in Mathematics, 58(2), 235-252.

8. Engelbrecht, J. & Harding, A. (2005). Teaching undergraduate mathematics on the internet. Part 2: Attributes and possibilities. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 58(2), 253-276.

7. Engelbrecht, J. & Harding A. (2004). Combining online and paper assessment in a
web-based course in undergraduate mathematics, Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 23(3), 217-231.

6. Engelbrecht, J. & Harding A. (2003). Online assessment in mathematics: Multiple assessment formats, New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 32 (Supplement), 57-66.

5. Engelbrecht, J., Fedotov, I., Fedotova, T. & Harding, A. (2003). Error bounds for quadrature methods involving lower order derivatives. International Journal for Mathematics Education in Science and Technology 34(6), 831-846.

4. Engelbrecht, J. & Harding, A.  (2003). Is mathematics running out of numbers? South African Journal of Science 99(1/2), 17-20.

3. Anguelov, R., Engelbrecht, J. & Harding, A.  (2001). Use of technology in undergraduate mathematics teaching in South African universities. Quaestiones Mathematicae  Supplement 1, 183-191.

2. Engelbrecht, J. &  Harding, A.  (2001). Internet calculus: An option? Quaestiones Mathematicae Supplement 1, 183-191.

1. Engelbrecht, J. &  Harding, A.   (2001). WWW mathematics at the University of Pretoria: The trial run.  South African Journal of Science 97(9/10)

Refereed Conference Proceedings since 2001

15.       Huntley B, Engelbrecht JC, Harding A , An assessment component taxonomy for alternative mathematics assessment formats,. In Proceedings of the 7th Southern Right Delta Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics, edited by Dirk Wessels, pp 117 – 128, ISBN 978-0-620-45979-2

14.       Huntley B, Engelbrecht JC, Harding A How good are your mathematics questions? In O Nam Kwon and A Harding (editors), Proceedings of the International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME 11): Topic Study Group 5 (TSG 5) 2008, Monterrey, Mexico, (15 pages electronic proceedings;  /

13.       Mofolo M, Engelbrecht JC, Harding A Students’ learning difficulties with volumes of solids of revolution.  In: A D’Arcy-Warmington, VM Luaces, G Oates and C Varsavsky (editors), 6th Southern Hemisphere Conference on Mathematics and Statistics Teaching and Learning, Proceedings of Calafate Delta’07, Victor Martínez Luaces and Patricia Fogliatti, Uruguay, pp 129-137, ISBN: 978-9974-96-348-1

12.       Van der Hoff Q, Harding A Bringing technology into universities of technology. Using spreadsheets in teaching numerical solutions of first-order differential equations.  In: A D’Arcy-Warmington, VM Luaces, G Oates and C Varsavsky (editors), 6th Southern Hemisphere Conference on Mathematics and Statistics Teaching and Learning, Proceedings of Calafate Delta’07, Victor Martínez Luaces and Patricia Fogliatti, Uruguay, pp 161-168, ISBN: 978-9974-96-348-1

11.       Vellupillai V, Engelbrecht J, Harding A An investigation into how Mathematics educators teach the outcomes-based curriculum World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, in Quebec City, Canada, October 15-19, 2007

10.       Potgieter M, Harding A, Engelbrecht J Why do students find mathematically related problems in chemistry hard? Proceedings of the 3rd African Regional Conference on Engineering Education & 4th South African Conference on Engineering Education, Pretoria, 2006. Vol 2 p 481 ISBN 0-620-37232-X

9.       Engelbrecht J & Harding A Impact of web-based undergraduate mathematics teaching on developing academic maturity: A qualitative investigation. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference on WWW Applications, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 2006. Published at ISBN-10: 0-620-37309-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-620-37309-8 

8.       Houston K, Wood L, Engelbrecht JC, Harding A, Kågesten O, Holton D, Barton B Professional development of mathematics academics. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics at the undergraduate level (ICTM), John Wiley & Sons Inc, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006, ISBN 0471072709 (7 pages, electronic proceedings, paper 38)

7.       Wood LN, Smith G, Mather G, Harding A, Engelbrecht JC, Houston K, Perrett G, Hillel J, Petocz P, Reid A Student voices: implications for teaching mathematics. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics at the undergraduate level (ICTM), John Wiley & Sons Inc, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006, ISBN 0471072709 (6 pages, electronic proceedings, paper 256) 

6.   Engelbrecht J, Harding A Classification of web-based courses in undergraduate mathematics. In: HH af Segerstad (editor), CUL-rapport nr 10: Nya villkor för lärande och undervisning – 9:e universitetspedagogiska konferensen vid Linköpings universitet 17 Oktober 2005, Linköping, 2006, pp 79-93, ISSN 1650-8173, ISBN 91-85497-52-5 

5.   Anguelov R, Engelbrecht J, Harding A, Partial volume of a tank: From high school trig to multivariate calculus. Proceedings of the Kingfisher Delta ‘05, The Fifth Southern Hemisphere Conference on Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Teaching and Learning, Fraser Island Queensland, Australia, 307 – 312, 2005 

4.   Harding A, Using case studies as bridges in teaching mathematical modeling, Proceedings of the Kingfisher Delta ‘05, The Fifth Southern Hemisphere Conference on Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Teaching and Learning, Fraser Island Queensland, Australia, 49 – 56, 2005

3.   Ansie Harding, Dan Kaczynski and Leigh Wood, Evaluation of blended learning: analysis of qualitative data,  2005 UniServe Science symposium, September 30, Sydney, Australia.            / 

2.   Engelbrecht, J. & Harding, A. Taxonomy of online undergraduate mathematics courses. Proceedings of ICME-10, Copenhagen, July 2004 at 

1.     Engelbrecht, J. & Harding, A. Cooperative learning as a tool for enhancing a web-based calculus course, Proceedings of the ICTM2, Crete, July 2002.   


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