Fly@UP Manage your time and work consistently

Manage your time and work consistently


It is important that you manage your time and work continuously and consistently. Let your module credits be your guide. Have you ever heard about notional hours?

Notional hours refer to the time that the average student would need to attend all classes, study for tests and do assignments and homework. Each credit equals 10 notional hours. 

Your yearbook tells you how many credits you need to earn to get your degree. It could be, for example, 120 credits per year. Multiply this number by 10 to get the notional hours. So, 120 times 10 is 1200 notional hours in one year.

Divide this number by 28 weeks, which is the number of academic lecture weeks in a year. This total gives you approximately 40 hours that you should spend on your studies per week, which is 8 hours per day from Monday to Friday.

Total credits x 10 = notional hours

120 credits x 10 = 1200 notional hours

1200 notional hours/28 weeks = ± 40 hours per week = ±8 hours per day

Managing your time can be done through a variety of time management strategies, you can click here to access a few. In addition, you also have to consistently work online. Click here to see the FLY online video. 

But the most important aspect is the choices you make! When life becomes difficult, or when you fail, choose to ascribe the difficulty or failure to something you have control over and change your thoughts and actions to:

  • I can develop this skill and improve myself
  • I can put in more effort
  • I will keep trying and never give up
  • I will persist when I hit setbacks
  • I will learn from failure
  • With time and hard work, I will improve
  • I want to keep learning

Keep these things in mind the next time you feel like breaking your time management plan, neglecting your goals or hitting snooze when your alarm goes off. Remember YOU ARE IN CHARGE of reaching your FINISH LINE!

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