Dr HP (Hung) Tong-Viet

Tel: +2712 420-6340
Fax: +2712 420-3893
E-mail: [email protected]
Office: Mathematics 1-31

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic qualifications: PhD(University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)
NRF rating: Y1

Research interests: Representation and character theory of groups; Permutation groups; Finite groups; Permutation polytopes

Publications over the past five year

Journal articles

Moori J, Tong-Viet HP Products of conjugacy classes in finite simple groups.  Quaestiones Mathematicae, 34(4)(2011), 433-439

Alavi SH, Daneshkah A, Tong-Viet HP, Wakefield TP  Huppert's Conjecture for F4(2).  Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Universita di Padova, 126(2011), 201-211

Tong-Viet HP  The simple Ree groups 2F4(22m+1) are determined by the set of their character degrees.  Journal of Algebra, 339(1)(2011), 357-369

Tong-Viet HP  Influence of strongly closed 2-subgroups on the structure of finite groups.  Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 53(3) (2011), 577-581

Tong-Viet HP  Symmetric groups are determined by their character degrees.   Journal of Algebra, 334(1)(2011), 275-284

Magaard K, Tong-Viet HP  Character degree sums in finite nonsolvable groups.  Journal of Group Theory, 14(1)(2011), 53-57

Tong-Viet HP  Normal restriction in finite groups.  Communications in Algebra, 39(1)(2011), 344- 354

Tong-Viet HP  On groups with large character degree sums.  Archiv der Mathematik, 99(5)(2012), 401-405

Nguyen HN, Tong-Viet HP, Wakefield TP  Projective special linear groups PSL4(q) are determined by the set of their character degrees.  Journal of Algebra and its Application, 11(6)(2012), 26 pages

Tong-Viet HP  Simple classical groups are determined by their character degrees. Journal of Algebra, 357(1) (2012), 61-68

Tong-Viet HP  Simple exceptional groups of Lie type are determined by their character degrees.  Monatshefte für Mathematik, 166(3-4)(2012), 559-577

Tong-Viet HP  Alternating and sporadic simple groups are determined by their character degrees.  Algebras and Representation Theory, 15(2)(2012), 379-389

Tong-Viet HP, Wakefield TP  On Huppert's Conjecture for the Monster and Baby Monster.  Monatshefte für Mathematik, 167(3-4)(2012), 589-600

Tong-Viet HP, Wakefield TP  On Huppert's Conjecture for F4(2).  International Journal of Group Theory, 1(3)(2012), 1-9

Tong-Viet HP, Wakefield TP  On Huppert's Conjecture for G2(q); q≥7.  Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 216(12)(2012), 2720-2729

Tong-Viet HP  Rank 3 permutation characters and maximal subgroups.  Forum Mathematicum, 25(1)(2013), 49-106

Tong-Viet HP  Groups with some arithmetic conditions on real class sizes. Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 140(1-2)(2013), 105-116

Alavi SH, Daneshkah A, Tong-Viet HP, Wakefield TP  On Huppert's Conjecture for the Conway and Fischer families of sporadic simple groups.  Journal of Australian Mathematical Society, 94 (2013), 289-303

Tong-Viet HP  Groups whose prime graphs have no triangles. Journal of Algebra, 378(2013), 196-206

Tong-Viet HP Characterization of some simple groups by the multiplicity pattern.  Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 172(2)(2013), 189-206

Tong-Viet HP, Wakefield TP  On Hupperts Conjecture for 3D4(q); q≥3. Algebras and Representation Theory, 16(2)(2013), 471-490

Le T, Moori J, Tong-Viet HP  On a generalization of M-groups. Journal of Algebra, 374(2013), 27-41

Tong-Viet HP, Tiep PH, Navarro G  p-Part of Brauer character degrees.  Journal of Algebra, 403(2014), 426-438

Tong-Viet HP  Finite groups with many distinct character degrees.  Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 268(2)(2014), 477-492

Tong-Viet HP, Burness TC  Derangements in primitive permutation groups with an application to character theory.  The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, (2014), 1–34; doi:10.1093/qmath/hau020

Tong-Viet HP  Finite groups whose prime graphs are regular. Journal of Algebra, 397 (2014), 18-31

Tong-Viet HP, Nguyen HN  Characterizing finite quasisimple groups by their complex group algebras. Algebras and Representation Theory, 17(1)(2014), 305-320

Tong-Viet HP  Prime graphs of finite groups with a small number of triangles. Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 175(3)(2014); 457-484

Akhlaghi Z, Tong-Viet HP  Finite groups with K4-free prime graph.  Algebras and Representation Theory, published online: 04/07/2014 DOI 10.1007/s10468-014-9491-x

Tong-Viet HP  Finite groups whose irreducible p-Brauer characters have prime power degrees.  Journal of Mathematics, 202(1)(2014), 295-319

Akhlaghi Z, Khatami M, Le T, Moori J, Tong-Viet HP  A dual version of Hupert's Conjecture on conjugacy class sizes.  Journal of Group Theory, 8(1)(2015), 115-132

Bessenrodt C, Nguyen HN, Olsson JB, Tong-Viet HP  Complex group algebras of the double covers of the symmetric and alternating groups.  Algebra and Number Theory, 9(3)(2015), 601-628

Tong-Viet HP  Prime divisors of irreducible character degrees. To appear in Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics

Nguyen HN, Tong-Viet HP, Wakefield TP  On Huppert's Conjecture for the Alternating groups of low degrees.  To appear in Algebra Colloquium

Tong-Viet HP, Lewis ML, Navarro G, Tiep PH  p-Parts of character degrees.  To appear in Journal of the London Mathematical Society




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