Vision and Mission



A leading research-intensive university in Africa, recognised internationally for its quality, relevance and impact, and also for developing people, creating knowledge and making a difference locally and globally




In pursuing its vision, the Faculty of Law has as its mission the creation and sustenance of a research and education environment that is grounded in values of social justice and excellence.

Our Goals are to:

  • Enhance access and successful student learning
  • Strengthen the University’s research and international profile
  • Foster and sustain a transformed inclusive and equitable University community and equitable University community
  • Optimise resources and enhance institutional sustainability
  • Strengthen the University’s social consciousness and its impact on society


Faculty Values (aligned with those of the University of Pretoria)

The values of the Faculty of Law are fully aligned with those of the University with a view to creating a culture that reflects these values.

The members of the University of Pretoria Law Faculty believe that:

  • our community of scholars must be founded on the pursuit of knowledge through research, teaching and learning, with membership acquired on the basis of intellectual merit, ability and the potential for excellence; and that
  •  differing perspectives, arising from diverse backgrounds and histories that define our identities, deepen scholarly inquiry and enrich the academic debate.

We cherish:

  • academic freedom, creative and innovative thought, ethical standards and integrity, accountability and social justice; and
  • our staff and students, who are the Faculty’s core asset.

We foster:

  • an inquiry‐led and evidence‐based approach to creating knowledge; and
  • academic citizenship, whereby we commit ourselves to harness our intellectual abilities in the interest of our nation and humanity.

We recognise that:

  • in a resource‐constrained world where vast disparities remain, the Faculty must endeavour to produce graduates who appreciate the importance of community engagement, entrepreneurial endeavours and innovative actions in generating employment and development in our local communities.


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