
Several national and international funded research projects are lead and undertaken by staff members of the Department of Educational Psychology, as captured below.



Principal investigator/s

Others involved

Flourishing Learning Youth (FLY)


Investigating (i) resilience in a rural school, and (ii) cross-cultural measures for assessment and therapeutic intervention

Prof L Ebersöhn

Prof C Lubbe-De Beer

Edith Cowan University

University of California, San Francisco

PennState University

Murdoch University

Postgraduate students

International Mentoring of Advanced Graduates for Interdisciplinary Excellence (IMAGINE)


Establishing a trans-disciplinary research and education programme that contributes to the sustainability and resilience of the greater Kruger National Park socio-ecological system

Prof L Ebersöhn

Mrs M Malan Van Rooyen

Dr F Omidire

University of the Witwatersrand


North Carolina State University

Nipissing University

University of Saskatchewan

Postgraduate students

Supportive Teachers, Assets and Resilience (STAR)

Investigating teachers’ role in support of resilience in contexts of vulnerability

Prof R Ferreira

Prof L Ebersöhn

Dr T Loots

Mrs K Botha

Postgraduate students

Supporting Home Environments in Beating Adversity (SHEBA)

Investigating how strength-based intervention research can assist community volunteers to support vulnerable communities


Prof R Ferreira

Prof L Ebersöhn

Dr S Bester

Postgraduate students

Shongolollo Expressive Sandwork

Investigating the utility of sandwork in resource-constrained communities  and contexts of diversity

Prof C Lubbe-De Beer

Postgraduate students

Building resilience in families: The role of care workers in mitigating family risk factors

Investigating the role of care workers in supporting resilience in South African township families coping with adversity

Dr R Mampane

Prof R Ferreira

Postgraduate students

Exploring a monitoring and feedback system for the Foundation Phase: Innovations and developments to track learner performance

Further developing the South African Monitoring and Feedback System for Primary Schools (SAMP)

Dr V Scherman

Postgraduate students

Imbeleko Social Connectedness

Investigating indigenous pathways to promote resilience in children

Prof L Ebersöhn

Dr R Mampane

Dr MM Sefotho

Dr V Scherman

Dr T Loots

Dr F Omidire

Postgraduate students

Determinants of family resilience

Investigating the relationship between resilience processes, motivation and commitment in families

Dr R Mampane

Prof S Human-Vogel

Prof Christopher Niemiec

Postgraduate students

Schools as sites for social change: Facilitating adjusted behaviour in resource-constrained communities by empowering children (Win-LIFE)

Investigating the potential value of schools as vehicles of change in facilitating health and well-being by means of healthy food production, food choice and food consumption behaviour (Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well-being) 

Prof R Ferreira

Ms G Gericke (Human Nutrition)

Prof P du Toit (Physiology)

Ms K Botha

Prof S Human-Vogel

Prof C Lubbe-De Beer

Prof W Fraser

Faculty of Health Sciences

Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences

Postgraduate students

Designing a strategy for administering cost-effective career counselling to South African learners

Tracing the impact (effect) of a brief, postmodern approach to (strategy for) Career Counselling on South African learners

Prof JG Maree

Prof L Fletcher

Prof J Sommerville

Test development in Botswana and other SADEC countries

Developing tests for use in Botswana and other SADEC countries

Prof E Mpofu

Prof JG Maree

Prof T Oakland

Dr K Ntinda

Dr E Seeco

Assessing the merits of (i) a brief approach to career counselling and (ii) the Career Interest Profile and Maree Career Matrix

Assessing the degree to which learners learn about careers during the assessment process: Educational component is randomly assigned to students with half receiving it and half not, pre-test uses the measure, then offering training aspect to the treatment group, and then a post-test using Maree measure

Prof JG Maree

Prof L Fletcher

Prof J Sommerville

Junior Tukkie Project

Designing a strategy to attract and retain promising students to/at the University of Pretoria

Prof P Lombaard

Dr P Clase

Prof JG Maree

Understanding bullying in schools

Exploring bullying in schools and describing social networks with the aim of implementing interventions at the Grade 4 level

Dr V Scherman

Fordham University


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