Department of Library Services Newsletter - Issue 1 - 2017

19 January 2017

News and Events

Director's Welcome message 2017
Robert Moropa, Director: Department of Library Services

Dear Colleagues, I welcome all of you back to the UP Library Services at the start of 2017.

My wish for each one of you in 2017 is that you may vacate, leave or evacuate your comfort zone. Michael Kerrigan in his book entitled “The power of making the right choices” refers to the comfort zone as: settle-for zone or even the boring zone!” He describes it as a place where things are familiar: people, jobs, foods, attitudes, etc. He further says the following about this zone:

“We like this zone because we know pretty much what to expect out of every waking moment. We rely on it to get by, to deal with life. But the comfort zone most likely isn’t comfortable at all, is it? It’s just familiar, and most likely a place of stale outcomes…” [p9]

If we start 2017 with the mindset of wanting to vacate our comfort zone, then we will see the “#Fees must fall” and the related campaigns and protests by university students, as well as other challenges we may encounter in 2017, as opportunities or leverages that we can use to facilitate or vacate our comfort/boring zones. Someone may ask “Why must I leave my comfort zone?” Roy T Bennet has given an excellent answer to this question:

“You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

Our dreams, desires, potential, and growth reside outside this zone. We therefore have to vacate this zone if we want to grow and develop and attain our dreams, unless of course we have killed them – our dreams - i.e.

My wish for you is that you reconnect with your dreams and that you develop your true potential.










Enjoy the ride outside you comfort zone!

- Author: Robert Moropa
National Book Week competition during the month of September
University of Pretoria signs ORCiD agreement
ORCiD Launch
Donation of African Language Classics
Library Carpentry workshops
Library services continue despite the library’s closure
DLS Year-End function 2016


SAMA 80th National Conference 1-3 November 2016
Reinventing African Libraries Conference
The 17th Annual LIASA Conference
An engineering librarian with special skills

Staff News

Getting to know your colleagues
Staff birthdays: January - March